Meditation Classes and Mindfulness Training in Raleigh, NC

To cultivate the ability to stay in the present moment, as opposed to being swept up in preoccupations with the past or future, is a life altering practice. As mindfulness has become increasingly popular, so have the misconceptions about what mindfulness meditation really is. Time and time again, research shows that mindfulness is associated with multiple positive outcomes making it sound almost too good to be true. However, these misconceptions and our own psychological blocks can make it difficult to learn.

We’re Trained in Mindfulness Techniques

Psychologists at Clarity are trained in mindfulness practices and can help you develop the capacity for present centered, nonjudgmental attention. We incorporate these techniques in all of our work. Furthermore, Dr. Seavey offers specific mindfulness meditation training. Dr. Seavey’s mindfulness meditation practice began in 2009. Over the years, she has attended more than 12 silent meditation retreats to better understand this practice. In mindfulness meditation training, you will learn the foundations of mindfulness as well as mindful exercises and meditations.

Mindfulness Training to Cultivate Your Own Practice

You'll come away with many resources, including a general understanding of mindfulness principles, and ways to continue to cultivate your own practice. If you’ve been intrigue by mindfulness meditation but struggled to incorporate it into your life, or feel like your previous attempts to meditate have failed For more information on Mindfulness Meditation and psychotherapy, see here.

Monthly Meditation Classes in Raleigh

Dr. Seavey currently teaches a Meditation Basics workshop each month. To participate or learn more, sign up here at

Research suggests that meditation and mindful based cognitive therapy can:

  • Lower stress and improve chronic health conditions

  • Improve immunity

  • Lead to better decision-making

  • Increase creativity

  • Improve symptoms of depression or anxiety

  • Improve memory and academic performance

  • Improve focus and concentration

Get Started Today with Mindfulness Training in Raleigh

“In today’s rush, we all think too much — seek too much — want too much — and forget about the joy of just being.”
— Eckhart Tolle